Hello! My name is Amber,I hope everyone is doing well! I spe...
Hello! My name is Amber,I hope everyone is doing well! I specialize in professional Airbnb cleanings to help hosts maintain t...
I applied and paid $1081 for a renewal of my extended stay permit with Los Angeles’ Home Sharing Unit on July 31. When approval didn’t show up after a couple weeks, I emailed to inquire when I could expect approval. The reply was a form email saying it takes 20 days.
That was over 50 days ago.
I'm still waiting for the permit. And Airbnb will no longer allow me to rent fewer than 30 days until I get the permit. The city says there’s a “system error”.
I’ve called, emailed, and called and emailed again everyone under the sun (including Airbnb who seem unconcerned with previously busy hosts being stopped from renting…you’d think they’d be interest in how much money they’re losing…but they’ve offered no help and keep referring me to the LA Home Sharing e-mail and phone number like I haven’t already utilized those numerous times).
I know I’m not the only LA host in this position. If anyone has a solution they can recommend, I’m all ears.
thanks all!
I have the exact issue now
This is Like a Joke on hosts expens that is not funny
Why cant we get basic Service ?
Why they have internal issues and we are not able to rent
or get answers ?
how can an entire department be un reachable ??
We need help
all need help
Not fair
I’m still waiting. Still being told there’s a “system error”. Utter incompetence that adversely affects people just trying to follow the rules.
@Megan1179 Did you ever get this resolved?
Im experiencing the exact issue. I applied in August 2023 for my extended permit and paid the $1000. I've emailed and called trying to get a status update and no response. Today I got a notification from airbnb saying I can no longer rent for less than 30 days bc permit wasn't approved.
No explanation provided to me from the city or airbnb. Absolute insanity.
@Blake290 I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this too. It took me three months to get my permit and during that time Airbnb wouldn’t let me rent for fewer than 30 days. It was extremely frustrating. And dealing with the city was useless.
I wish I had words of advice. All I can say is one day, my permit was in my email inbox. The city apologized for the delay. But it cost me about $9000 is lost income I can’t get back. Not okay. And I’m anxious it’ll happen again when the time comes to renew.
I hope you get your permit soon.
Thanks for the reply @Megan1179 - sorry to hear it so long for you too. Take care 🙂
Hey Megan,
My name is Julien and I'm a host here in LA. I'm experiencing the same issue and have lost a lot of rental income as a result of delayed permits and this city failing to help us with this process. For a lot of us, LA is only affordable if we are able to rent out part of our homes. I'm looking into pursuing some sort of government reform or legal action against the city and I'm interested if you would be willing to join my efforts to make a change so other hosts in the future don't have to experience the same struggle.
Hi Julien,
Let me know what you have in mind. I had this issue when I reapplied last August. It took until November to get my permit. A system error was blamed. But I see hosts still saying this alleged system error excuse is still being used and delaying permits being issued. I don’t want a repeat of last year’s delay.
I called and emailed numerous officials including the mayor and my council person and attempted to visit the home sharing office. The office seemed not to exist. The situation is unacceptable.
Hi Julien, I am in. This looks like a scam more than anything. They can't take so many fees from hosts and not delegate a special department for it (not a ghost one, but a real one with people working in it). The city of LA makes a lot of money from us. But they also need to provide us back with some type of protection. I always feel like I beg them to take my money and let me operate. They take your money, leave you in the dark and deny you. This needs to stop. We have rights too, if we are going to pay taxes and fees, then we need to start talking. Some of that money should be reinvested back into helping hosts. Class action lawsuit?
I would love to join any effort, I am in the exact same nightmare loop with my place and it happens every single year, I have been waiting 3 months for my permit to be renewed. Who do we take this to?
Hey @Blake290,
i applied for my extended home sharing permit in september. i still haven't heard anything. not an approval or denial. just so i'm clear, it looks like guys on this thread have reached out to the city only to be told there's a system error and then nothing? i haven't even bothered reaching out because every year there's an issue and no one replies. i'm so over the whole thing.
@Samantha1341 I've reached out several times via email/phone since Aug just to get a status update, and havent received a single response. Every year there's usually issues for me but they have responded at some point (usually in Dec).
But this year it's been radio silence and now I can't rent for less than 30 days according to an email I received from Airbnb a few days ago.
Beyond frustrated.
Hey Blake,
My name is Julien and I'm a host here in LA. I'm experiencing the same issue and have lost a lot of rental income as a result of delayed permits and this city failing to help us with this process. For a lot of us, LA is only affordable if we are able to rent out part of our homes. I'm looking into pursuing some sort of government reform or legal action against the city and I'm interested if you would be willing to join my efforts to make a change so other hosts in the future don't have to experience the same struggle.
Hey Samantha,
My name is Julien and I'm a host here in LA. I'm experiencing the same issue and have lost a lot of rental income as a result of delayed permits and this city failing to help us with this process. For a lot of us, LA is only affordable if we are able to rent out part of our homes. I'm looking into pursuing some sort of government reform or legal action against the city and I'm interested if you would be willing to join my efforts to make a change so other hosts in the future don't have to experience the same struggle.
Hi Blake. Any luck. I’m dealing with the same issue.