LLC /Individual

LLC /Individual

My LLC isn’t set up yet, but I’m working on it. Will Airbnb allow you to wait to enter your business information?

2 Replies 2

Hi @Rochelle174,


Yes, you can wait to enter your business information on Airbnb. Start hosting as an individual using your personal details, then update your account with your LLC information once it’s set up. Keep track of your income and expenses, and consult a tax professional for a smooth transition.


I hope this helps.


All the best,

Upfish Management

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Rochelle174! Hope everything is going well.


Did @Alicia753 's answer help you to resolve your doubts? 


Also i found some links that might help to answer your question:


Verify your professional host account and business details.👈

Joining Airbnb as a company or managing company info on an account.👈


Looking forward to hear from you. 🤗

