
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Land registration number(LRN)

Land registration number(LRN)

Buna seara.Stie cineva sa mă ajute va rog ce este land registration number(LRN),ce număr sa trec acolo nu știu unde îl găsesc ,va rog . Mulțumesc

Știe cineva va rog ce înseamnă land registration number LRN,nu știu la ce se referă ,am primit email sa adaug asta . Mulțumesc anticipat 


Good evening. Does anyone know to help me, please, what is a land registration number (LRN), what number to use there, I don't know where to find it, please. Thank you

Does anyone know what land registration number LRN means please, I don't know what it refers to, I received an email to add this. Thank you in advance

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Rossana192, welcome to the Airbnb Community Center.


While you wait for fellow Hosts from your area to come across your post, I suggest joining the nearest local Host Club to your location. This could be a great opportunity to ask your question and exchange some local ideas:


All the best,



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad

Buna ziua,


Conform articolului:


LRN este numarul cadastral al proprietatii oferite spre inchiriere. Il gasiti pe extrasul de carte funciara.