Did you manage to find a Local Host Club near you, as Jenny advised? You can also find more information regarding Responsible hosting in Greece in this article: https://www.airbnb.co.uk/help/article/1246.
Although there are not exact details you are seeking, but it would surely provide you with some overview on what to take care of.
As we're an international community, there's not always someone in a specific area, so I wanted to suggest having a look here for a local group which may have the information you're looking for.
You're always welcome to come back here and update us on what the answer is, should anyone else come along looking for the same information.
Did you manage to find a Local Host Club near you, as Jenny advised? You can also find more information regarding Responsible hosting in Greece in this article: https://www.airbnb.co.uk/help/article/1246.
Although there are not exact details you are seeking, but it would surely provide you with some overview on what to take care of.