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Can someone guide me on how to get log in codes for Alloggiati web?
I already have log in details for the tourism office of Pisa but I am running around in circles with visiting the local police station and emailing Polizia di stato for Alloggiati web. My Italian is not very good so any help will be so appreciated.
Thank you!!
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Ciao @Shreya53 @Helen3 , in Italy it is mandatory that you collect the ID of your guests at arrival and send them to the police station via Alloggiatiweb within 24 hours (within 6 hours if the guest stays only 1 night).
You can use the following declaration and send it to your local Questura (police station) via e-mail
Don’t forget to attach a copy of your ID and CF (Codice fiscale).
Never heard of it @Shreya53
Who is asking you to log into it and why?
if it's Pisa specific why not ask on the local host group
Ciao @Shreya53 @Helen3 , in Italy it is mandatory that you collect the ID of your guests at arrival and send them to the police station via Alloggiatiweb within 24 hours (within 6 hours if the guest stays only 1 night).
You can use the following declaration and send it to your local Questura (police station) via e-mail
Don’t forget to attach a copy of your ID and CF (Codice fiscale).
Thanks so much, @Angela1056 . We followed the process, but now we are told that along with our application to receive the credentials, we are also required to submit an Italian phone number and Italian residence permit ID. We are UK citizens residing in the UK so don't have those documents. Any thought?
Hi @Vineet31 , if you own a property (house, apartment etc) in Italy you can apply for a temporary residency in the town where the property is located and then you can get your Italian ID (and of course an Italian phone number).
Otherwise there is only the possibility of contacting a service agency (Agenzia di servizi) which carries out all the bureaucratic duties with delegation and for a fee.
Ciao @Angela1056 ,
My hubby and I bought a property in San Quirico d'Orcia, SI 18 months ago and would like to make it available for STR. We live in California and do not have a phone number or short-term residency. Is that required before we can do anything, i.e. contacting the comune, register the with the alloggiati website, etc.? We contacted a number of agencies, but they either didn't respond, or wanted a large fee, or flaked.
Thank you for your help/advice!
Laura Romano
Ciao @Laura7104 , to access and fill in the forms necessary for tourist rental, electronic identity authentication is required. I believe that the only way to proceed is to grant a power of attorney to an accountant or a trusted person in possession of an Italian identity authentication like SPID, CNS, CIE or eIDAS.
You could also ask for help from the professional who assisted you during the purchase of the house.
Nowadays it’s getting harder and harder to do STR in Italy because many municipalities place strong restrictions on tourist rentals.
Thank you Angela, we'll give it a shot.
Dear Angela,
I too am trying to register with Alloggiati Web and so read your response to @Shreya...with particular interest.
Unlike @Shreya..I have a local phone number as well as a fiscal code.
To be clear:
Are you saying that all I need to do in order to be compliant, is email the address you have given for the state police within 24 hours (for more than one day stays) in respect of each guest arrival and that my email needs to include a copy of each guest's official identity/passport and length of stay. Additionally, I must include my Italian phone number and Codice fiscale.
Is that it or must I first register with the appropriate police department in order to be able to access a particular form that I need to complete for each guest registration?
If not, will an ordinary email suffice or must I send a PECemail?
I ask because I am getting conflicting information from different people.
Your advice and/or assurance will be much appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.
Ciao @Philip2121 , il you do STR you have to inform the Tourist Office of Locorotondo and then register on the website of Regione Puglia. Shreya already had this log in details.
When you receive your CIS (Codice identificativo struttura) you can email the form to the Questura of Bari and ask for your log in codes.
Once you have received your log in codes you have to access the Alloggiatiwebsite to register your guests. You cannot do it via email or pec.
Also remember you have to store the receipt of the ID info of your guests you sent to Alloggiatiweb for 5 years.
You have to register on ROSS1000 too.
If Locorotondo collects a City tax you have to register and comply.
Ciao Angela,
Thank you so much for your detailed explanation.
I will follow your step-by-step instructions and let you know the outcome.
Meanwhile, have a great day.
Ciao @Philip2121 , I saw you also offer a breakfast on your ad. So you can’t qualify as STR (Locazione turistica breve) because STR in Italy are not allowed to offer services other than utilities, final cleaning, initial linen and WIFI but you have to start an activity which has other rules and is much more complicated.
To start the activity of Bed and Breakfast in Puglia it is necessary to present to the SUAP of the Municipality where the property is located the SCIA (Certified Signaling of Start of Activity) using the forms available on the website of the Puglia Region.
Once you get the SCIA approved you can ask for the access codes of Alloggiatiweb.
Maybe you could consider not offering breakfast?
Sorry I gave you the wrong information because I didn’t read the description of your listing before.
Noted - thank you.
I'm having the exact same problem , the questura are very bad at communicating even tho I send pec emails I still have no replies , I can't even book an appointment to see them
let me know if you manage please !
Ciao @Chris19235 , it’s really difficult to give advice without knowing what stage your practice is at. If you have already applied to the SUAP of the Municipality where the accommodation is located, you will be issued a registration number (CIR or CIS) with which to request the access codes from the competent police station. You can follow the progress of your case by entering the online site on SUAP/STAR.
I fear that otherwise your request will not be taken into consideration by the police headquarters (Questura).