Looking to build a community for Niagara region hosts
I am Carrie Darmaga, currently hosting in Niagara-On-The-Lake, like so many others. I can't believe that there is not a group set up for this area or this region. Would love to start a group to meet up once a yr at least, so that we can discuss hosting topics and problem solve as a group.
Welcome to the Community Center! Did you have a chance to look at Local Host Clubs near you to connect with local hosts and check if there is one available in your region?
Thanks for coming back to me and sharing more info! I just checked into the map for you and found this Link to the Group. (Which I assumed would be something nearer to you or relevant as a nearby area) . I hope this is what you are looking for.
Hi Carrie. I'm at notl host as well. You are correct. Nothing in our area. I'm up for meeting annually to discuss host options. Lemme know when you d like to get together.