Monthly discounts

Monthly discounts

I know how to implement Monthly Discounts but my issue is how can you implement them for only one calendar month at a time.  For example, I would like to have November and December rent separately so I can get 2 months of rent.  If November and December have monthly discounts, then someone could rent November 15 through December 15 and I only get one month of rent.  Can anyone recommend a solution to this problem?

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Alex-and-Susan1 

You should be able to manage this using professional hosting tools. It will take some time to set rules and it's not always straightforward, but with some effort it should address the issue.


Here's how to do it:

Using professional hosting tools - Airbnb Help Center


Professional tools are only available on the website (not the app) and afterwards you should go to the guest view to test whether the dates and prices display the way you want them to.

Thanks for the response but I cannot find a way to limit a monthly discount to only a specific calendar month reservation.

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Alex-and-Susan1 

It's not going to be very straightforward. It sounds to me like you specifically want people to book from near the beginning of a calendar month, for a minimum of approximately one month? You would then have to set check-in (and perhaps check-out?) restrictions for all the days that you don't want people to be able to check in or out.


For example, if you prefer a reservation to start within the first 5 days of the month, set rules for no check-in from the 6th of the month. This is done through making a rule that blocks days of the week, and applying that to the relevant days from the 6th of the month (you can't block all the days of the week for check-in using just one rule, so you'll have to use at least two rule sets to get them all blocked). For the days of the month that you will accept as a start date (in my example, days 1 to 5 of the month), you should also add a minimum stay (to make sure the booking is as long as you'd like it to be). I hope it makes sense and that this is more or less what you're trying to do?

As I've mentioned, the tool can be quite confusing, but one can manage most challenges related to the start, end and specific date placement of bookings if you set your mind to it. It's unfortunately also easy to make mistakes, so always check in the guest view that things are working out the way you wanted them to.


Thanks.  I will give it a try.