My registration on New York City short term rental not working

Level 2
New York, NY

My registration on New York City short term rental not working

I cannot rent my room for sort term rent even I registered on New York City website and received OSE number. When I typed in the OSE number OSE-STRAPP-xxxxxxx in airbnb 'Add your registration number' page, they did not take it. I already paid $149 for the registration and it's not refundable.


I contacted airbnb. They asked me to call New York City. I called 311, they cannot help me. I do not know how to do now.

34 Replies 34

Hello have you been able to fix this? This is not what I was expected to happen after we waited for 5 months. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Ludolph0I came across your comment on an inactive old thread. I’d highly recommend that you create a new discussion with your question, this way more hosts can see your post and share their advice 😊 You can create a post here ✍🏼

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Hi @JoAnn3 

did you figure out how to get this resolved? We are in the same boat. 




Im having the same issue. Any advice? 


Level 2
New York, United States

Is anyone else having issues of OSE not approving their listing?

I have an approved OSE number, and am trying to get my listing linked to it.


They are luckily being responsive, but giving insane reasons for rejecting my listing.

This last time they said that the listing appeared to be a duplex in a basement and that I needed proof that we could occupy that space.

The listing does not mention a duplex nor a basement.


The listing is legal and the photos clearly show full size windows to the outside (the listing does mention that it is on the garden level, but that is a well established legal living level in NYC)