New to hosting, I have a pricing question

New to hosting, I have a pricing question

I’m having some difficulty with deciding on pricing. So Airbnb automatically sets a price for similar property, but obviously all properties are not the same and by looking at properties which are actually similar to ours in terms of being ‘luxury’ the pricings are much higher than Airbnb wants us to put. Do you have to go in and manually set every day of the year’s pricing? Is it possible to set Airbnb to price ours automatically to reflect similar standards of property? Also, I notice some properties have lots of variation in their pricing throughout different an individual month, would it look ok to just put the same price for weekdays throughout July and August and just increase it at weekends? Thank you 😊

4 Replies 4
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Eliana274 A few thoughts.

Even if you don't use smart pricing the base nightly price you put here (and the weekend nightly price) will be used to populate your calendar as it opens up.

Airbnb price suggestions are usually stupidly low

Finally smart pricing is not clever. It doesn't recognise events such as festivals, Christmas etc until lots of people book by which time it is too late to raise the price.

Ok thanks for your help, I must have missed the weekend nightly price as it put the same price every day of the week. Edinburgh is already heaving with tourists and august will be crazy with the festival, such a shame smart pricing doesn’t allow for these things. Their pricing is way off as nobody near us not even places that are really basic are their suggested price…

Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Eliana274 the expert on setting differing prices over times probably @Emiel1. Hopefully he will chime in with advice.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I certainly do not consider myself as an expert on this, or on any subject...!


IMO the most easy way for @Eliana274 to increase prices during a specific short time period (like a festival) is just change the default prices manually in the calender.