Nightly Price & Bulk Calendar Changes

Level 1
Cumberland, VA

Nightly Price & Bulk Calendar Changes

I am changing my nightly price through the 'Listing' itself but that new price is not translating over to the calendar. The calendar is still stating my old rate. 


To remedy this for the current month, I just went into each individual night in June and July and changed the price there. 


But, moving forward, I'd like for the general nightly price to match what I have stated in my listing's settings. 


Has anyone else had issues with their nightly price settings?

*I've contacted Airbnb and we have confirmed there are no rules, etc. set that are preventing my nightly rate change to be accepted in the calendar. Airbnb legitimately couldn't figure out why it was doing this. 


Also, is there a way to change multiple days in the calendar? 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



If you change the default pricing manually in the calender, there is no way to go back to the default pricing for that dates, other then change them manually back. (unless you use Smart Pricing as default pricing) .It is advised to change prices in another way for a certain (long) time periods, by using other tools like rule-sets to increase/decrease prices.


You can select a time period by clicking on a start-date, drag to the end-date.


(On the multicalender you can also enter a specific start/end date in the calender fields)