Hallo, ich bin schon seit einiger Zeit Gastgeber und habe me...
Hallo, ich bin schon seit einiger Zeit Gastgeber und habe meine Zahlungen immer 24 Stunden nach dem Einchecken der Gäste erha...
I came on here to ask if anyone has been going through the same as we are with paused payouts/no payouts. I am shocked to see how many people are going through the same thing and to learn that Airbnb is going through financial difficulties. WHY NOT JUST BE HONEST TO US??? Why put us through a wild goose-chase and bouncing us from department to department and pretending to "escalate our issue" or "put us through to SPECIALISED team" - when all of this is just to just BS.
Since October 2022 I have been dealing with this issue. I called Airbnb on the 18/11/22, 02/12/22, 09/12/22, 12/12/22, 13/12/22, 16/12/22, 19/12/22 and inbetween this and after this been contacting them on AIRBNB SUPPORT - support ha ha ha... there is NO support.
I was eventually told this week when I called the AGAIN I cant call them to sort out this issue I MUST log it on Airbnb Support??? This is absolutely shocking! I have now PAUSED our listings as what is the use of getting bookings but not getting any payments? I have also spread the word for other Airbnb hosts to pause ASAP as they WILL NOT be paid! Had Airbnb just been upfront and honest from the beginning, this all could have been avoided. My time, energy, money has been wasted on ALL the phone calls, messages, etc
Very very disappointed.
Does anyone know how to contact airbnb to lodge a formal complaint outside of the support route?
@Jennifer3685 there is no route for you to contact Airbnb or lodge complaints. The best you can hope for is that one of the administrators on the CC nudge Airbnb for you.
Oh and to suggest Airbnb is in financial difficulty is somewhat laughable when you look at its results.
Hi @Jennifer3685 ,
I understand your sentiments due to the delays you are facing!
I have raised your issue to the related team if they can provide any clarity here. Will make sure to relay back, in case I receive any updates.
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HI, pls try assist and we support platform does not work at all. Our latest contact from John and our response has been onec again ignored.
Hi @Jennifer3685 ,
Someone would get in touch with you within the Airbnb App to get more information. Thanks for your continued patience.
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After 5 months we have received our payments! Thank you Airbnb.
That´s amazing! We are having the same issue you were having, so let´s see what happens!
HI Mark, its this forum that sorted this issue. Maybe airbnb should ditch thier nonfunctioning support platform and use this forum instead 🙂 We posted this saga yesterday morning and by 5pm we recieved our first payout notification. Good luck!!!