Payoneer payout method pending from november

Payoneer payout method pending from november

Hello Everyone,


I changed my payout method to payoneer sometime in November and I got a card from payoneer and activated it. From November until today, I have been told that my payment system is pending state and that I don't need to do anything and that it will just change. I have to mention that I have not received a single payment since November and they are all on hold until new payout been activated. I am asking airbnb support to step in to help me solve this problem. I receive guests every day and provide service.


Thank you in advance

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Adnan57 , I am so sorry to hear of your payout issues. I will go ahead and share it over to the concerned team that can look into further details and help us here. Please note that the relevant teams should be able to reach out to you directly in case they have any updates to share. 


Hope this gets solved for you soon! 🌻



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