Payout delayed due to account verification

Level 2
Sydney, Australia

Payout delayed due to account verification


Is anyone else experiencing this issue? 

Airbnb paused our payout since 18th June 2022 until they review & verify our account. Is this not the first step they need to do when we first registered as a host back in 2020?

We were notified on 18th June 2022 to update our account details and provide some documentation which we did immediately and till now waiting for Aibnb confirmation. 

Just imagine the damage it can cause to airbnb if we did the same thing like aibnb and stop guest from checking-in everyday because Airbnb need to review & verify our account. 

Come on Airbnb use some common sense. Your admin job has nothing to do with our payment and you should not stop paying us, as we continue to host our mutual guests. 



4 Replies 4
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Song-Hotel-Sydney0


Sorry to hear this has been in process for a few weeks now! I've nudged the team for you, and should I get any updates I'll let you know here. 🙂







Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines

Hi Emilie, 

Thank you for rely. 

We received an email from Airbnb, advising us to action the verification email send by Airbnb; which we did multiple times in the past since 18th June 2022 and send them a screenshot again & again. 

We called Airbnb today and forced someone to look into this matter as a priority (we dont need to do this). 


If you could kindly pass our feedback to the person who is taking this decision to "pause host payments":

Firstly, host account verification takes place when host register themselves for the first time.  Not after two years of successfully hosting. 

It's Airbnb's admin task and nothing to do with Host so "do not stop host payouts". 

If you are really serious about verifying host account then cancel all the bookings until Airbnb verifies Host account. Airbnb is happy to send guests to unverified host account but imposing pause on payouts; doesn't make sense at all. 



Song Hotel Sydney



Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thanks for the feedback on the overall process @Song-Hotel-Sydney0, I can certainly pass it on!


I've heard back from the team that someone was working on this with you and will follow-up directly, I hope everything gets sorted very soon for you. 





Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines

It’s affecting tons of people in Ukraine. Payouts stopped without any info and it’s impossible to get any update from AirBnB. 

It’s at best a farce in and at worse a complete absolute abuse of power.