Please help - new host

Please help - new host

I don’t know what to do. I’m new to hosting, it’s been like three weeks. I am renting out my deceased fathers house in order to save it from back debts. I’m making no money whatsoever.  So it is a little bit of a different situation than most.


The house is dated and I am doing what smaller renovations I can, but I don’t really have money to invest and make everything perfect. So I made it one of the cheapest in the area. $100 a night for the whole house. There are literally a tent, yurt, and camper in my town that are asking more than me, so I would think my price was fair. It’s been a learning curve, but every time I fix something someone comes up with something new to complain about. I’ve gotten some good reviews but two bad star ratings.


One person gave me a three for communication even though I responded to him literally within a minute every time he asked me something. Low stars on accuracy when the property is exactly what it is, should I say it needs renovation in the descriptions? There are many pictures. But what really making me crazy right now is I just got a 2 star for cleanliness because of dirty sheets when they were literally brand new out of the package never used even once.


How do people just lie? And why? If this doesn’t work I’m going to lose my fathers home. I just understand why people can’t just be fair. How can I fix problems that don’t even exist?

55 Replies 55

I covered the old couches in my place with these.  They look great. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Georgi702  As others have mentioned, declutter. First thing that needs to go is that back scratcher hanging on bedroom wall- a back scratcher is a personal item with someone's dead skin cells all over it.


Eliminate all the eagle decorations. When you can afford it, I would change out the bedspread in the bedroom with the flowered wallpaper for something in a solid color- the flowered bedspread with the flowered wallpaper is just too much.


When you take photos, survey the scene first to make sure nothing looks messy- there's no reason to have a lamp with  the cord side facing out and the cord hanging down in front on the table it's on, rather than hidden at the back.


And if there is no furniture for anyone to sit on outside, touting "full outside deck" is sort of pointless. 


The exercise equipment definitely needs to go- it's so at odds with the rest of the house that it will make the rest of the place feel shabbier than it is. If you sell that equipment, you could use the money to replace some of the furniture, etc.


And keep your eye out for a decent second hand couch- that old flowered sofa with depressed, worn out foam seats doesn't help matters.


BTW, don't think that all hosts are making some big profit off their listings- there are plenty of hosts whose rental income goes straight to their mortgage and other essentials, single moms renting out a room in order to be able to afford to hang onto the house for themselves and their kids, etc.

I’m pretty sure the back scratcher is gone, I’ll take a new picture.


ive had a couple people really like the eagles.


I thought the exercise equipment added value, but I guess it can go.


there is patio furniture now. I’ll take a new picture.


and the lamp too.

New pictures are up

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Georgi702   You hit the jackpot with the helpful postings from some very experienced hosts.  Please do take their collective advise.  While I agree with all that has been already suggested, I want to focus on your "thin skin".  Guest feedback is information which either reflects something useful for you to address or a more self serving guest issue.  Either way, it is just information and you can choose to use it or not.  As a business person, don't take it personally.  And avoid thinking people  should be "fair".  That will burn you out very fast.  Good luck in saving the family home.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Georgi702 Facebook marketplace has some excellent bargains if you do update the furniture at some point.

Yes! I've furnished basically my whole AirBnb from Facebook Marketplace, except for new bedding and towels. I was able to get good comfortable, sturdy furniture that I don't need to worry about. 

Level 10
Frederick, MD

@Georgi702 I feel your pain. You have a market that attracts very entitled guests. They want the Four Seasons for $89 a night. Everyone has a critique. And your space better have the latest HGTV amenities.


I would probably try to rent the house to a longer term tenant rather than list on Airbnb. I might also try Hip Camp and advertise as a  camping space with a home attached 🙂 Explain its bare bones, that its a family house and  quite basic. I have a friend with a very run down farmhouse that does quite well on Hip Camp after really suffering on ABB. Different market, different expectations. I wish you the best!

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



I never heard of such a thing. I really appreciate you mentioning it. (Apparently unlike some people who ask for help and cannot find the time to acknowledge receipt of the same.)


We have a 160-acre ranch which obviously encompasses many excellent campsites. Also there’s a gently decaying cabin with a deep well which could be utilized but I would never dare expose it to Airbnb’s snotty clientele.


I’m going to investigate this and seriously consider using it starting next spring.


Hopefully the “I’m terrified of bugs” crowd would avoid this website.

@Brian2036  I am glad it was helpful! My friend is really happy with it. She has only had a few unpleasant encounters over the last several years and the customer service seems good.  I looked into doing it for our listing but I don't know if our space is a good fit for camping. I think if you had a larger property that needed some upkeep it would be a great option.


My friend has a demonstration she does with Victorian farm life. She also allows people to pick veggies from her garden and will give tours. You certainly do not have to do all that but she really enjoys it.

Sorry, I didn’t realize that people had responded. I thought I was going to get a notification.

That’s very true. I can’t rent to a long term tenant because I would be able to make money fast enough to pay the debt for probate and also the rental laws here make it impossible to evict people whether or not they are paying rent. I’ll check out hipcamp.

@Georgi702 If I were in this situation I would list on any and every possible platform and rework my listing. Maybe you can get some slipcovers for the sofa for  free on Nextdoor.  Put a gofundme request for your bills. Ask people to donate furnishings or scour affluent areas on trash day to do curbside shopping. I would happily help and give you a bunch of stuff if you were closer.  You sound like you are in a tight spot and poor reviews from difficult guest certainly won't help that any. I wish you lots of luck and if you ever want to  message me I'm happy to chat or brainstorm. 


If you like I can do an Instagram post about your situation with a link to your listing on our cottage account.  That may help get you some positive bookings or ideas. Let me know!

Wouldn’t being listed on more than one platform be difficult with instanbook?


I don’t really want to ask for money on go fund me, it feels like begging…

I would really appreciate the instagram thing, let me update the listing first. I’m working on it today.