Pricing - year over year + inflation

Level 1
Denver, CO

Pricing - year over year + inflation

Hello - 


I'm seeking a feature that automatically updates current/future pricing based on last year's pricing + N% for inflation, demand changes, etc, versus having to adjust daily/weekly/seasonal pricing.


As an example, our Christmas and NYE pricing is typically higher than early December and late January - I'd like to replicate last year's pricing and simply add 5% to the prior year's for next year's pricing. 


Does anyone know if this feature exists? I couldn't find it.




4 Replies 4

@Jeff2219  I suppose you could use the CPI inflation calculator:


But the overhead costs for an STR rental don't move in tandem with the CPI, nor does the rate of inflation affect the value of a listing as perceived by the customers. So unless you're getting very creative with your tax filing, I'm not sure I understand the reasoning behind using this as a pricing metric.

Thanks @Anonymous - the thinking was - every year I have to manually update pricing for holidays, events, etc., - it'd be great if there was a feature where I could easily add N% price increase year over year and  get a year's worth of pricing dialed in - 1 time, a couple minutes, versus manually updating pricing to align demand with supply (which as I see from @Mike-And-Jane0  and @Jakub109 doesn't exist). 


Thank you all for your feedback. 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Jeff2219 no this feature doesn't exist in Airbnb.

Level 1
Żary, Poland

this feature doesn't exist in Airbnb.