Renters upset about cameras

Level 3
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

Renters upset about cameras

So I had some renters upset about my exterior cameras (doorbell, courtyard and backyard).  I offered (against my inner gut) to let them cover the pool camera or turn off the internet which would render the cameras inoperable.  They instead decided (after checking in and spending 3+ hours at the house) to cancel through AirBnB claiming that they didn’t like the cameras.  Well after reviewing the footage there were 9 people hauling luggage out of the house on a reservation MAX of 8!!!! Seriously now why didn’t you want the cameras?? Oh because you were going against house rules and didn’t want to get caught.  Seriously if AirBnB sides with the guest on this one I will take my business elsewhere.  I had a gut feeling and I was right.  Hence the reason we have exterior cameras!!!! Anyway I reported to AirBnB and will supply supporting video showing they were lying.  Wish me luck.  Oh and add to that they suspended my listing for this weekend. Just beware seems that guests have all the rights and hosts have none. 

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Amy180 There has been a recent spate of listing suspensions due to cameras. It is not clear if this is intended by Airbnb or a knee jerk reaction from poorly trained customer service staff.

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18 Replies 18
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Judging by your listing being 'unobtainable', I imagine Airbnb have frozen your account pending an investigation. If you didn't disclose you have cameras, this may not end well, @Amy180. I'd be proper miffed to have booked somewhere only to find cameras that weren't included in your listing details.

Level 3
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

It is a little disturbing how much AirBnB wants you to list/disclose.  Honestly gives the guest the ability to ask for a refund if I didn’t mention  that there is a frying pan.  Or maybe I listed that there was a set of 16 plates but the previous guest broke one and now there are only 15 so for that they can request a refund.  It’s pathetic and also ridiculous that as I have mentioned the guest has more rights than the host.  They are allowed to get away with breaking their end of the contract with no recourse.  People get away with it because there are no consequences. After my last rental this month I will be saying goodbye and won’t miss this platform.  Evolve here I come, they were amazing with my previous rental property and I look forward to working with a company that takes care of the hosts that are the reason they exist.
I have had more issues with AirBnB than should be acceptable.  

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

That may be the case, @Amy180, but non-disclosure of cameras anywhere in the world, especially where you're from, would seem like a basic. 

Anyway, here's hoping Evolve are the rainbow-coloured unicorn you're hoping for. Best of luck. 

Hi Amy,

I understand your frustration with the recent guest situation and the need for security on your property. To avoid misunderstandings in the future, consider mentioning the presence of exterior cameras in your listing description or communication with guests.


Best of luck dear and have a cheerful day.🌷