Boa noite! Quem paga as taxas de água e luz para hóspedes qu...
Boa noite! Quem paga as taxas de água e luz para hóspedes que ficam mais de um mês?
Hi, I'm new to Hosting. A client was wondering how soon his card would charged if he booked dates 2 months ahead. Anyone know?
Thank you, Mimi
Mt Shasta Views High Desert Retreat and Sanctuary
@Maureen447 Guests get charged when they make the booking. There was an option to split the payment- half up front and the other half a couple weeks before check-in, but I think they recently did away with that option.
However, you don't receive the money until 24 hours after the guest checks in. So between the booking and the reservation start, the funds sit in Airbnb's bank account, collecting interest for them.
Thank you Sarah, for the quick answer. I told my guest that I will hold those dates for him for awhile. LOL You are awesome!! Cheers, Mimi aka Maureen
@Maureen447 You're welcome. Don't hold the dates too long. People who can't seem to get their money trip together are usually red flags. He can either afford to book your place or he can't. Don't get sucked into having sympathy for guests' financial situations. You might hold the dates, preventing you from getting other bookings, then he'll never follow though. It's fine to work with guests, but just be aware that it's possible to spend time trying to be accommodating, only to have them not show appreciation in return.
FYI- I have some good friends who live in Yreka. I've been up your way several times before. Got stuck driving though a blizzard once on Mt. Shasta. The camper on the back of the pick-up was rocking back and forth. There was nowhere to pull off the road, we just had to keep driving, at a crawl. It was a harrowing experience. My boyfriend at the time, who was doing the driving, thereafter called it Mt.Sh*tsa 🙂
Good Advice. I will hold them just for a week or so. Thank you again, Mimi