Seeking Advice on Declining Bookings

Level 2
Miami Beach, FL

Seeking Advice on Declining Bookings

Hello fellow Airbnb owners,

I am very disappointed with the low number of bookings at my property. I'm fairly new to this, but when I first listed my house in North Miami, I had regular bookings and frequently refreshed the posting. For a few months now, possibly due to hurricane season, the bookings have stopped. Is anyone else experiencing this, especially hosts from Miami or South Florida? I am completely thrown off here. Any information, thoughts, or ideas you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
A very concerned Airbnb owner

4 Replies 4

Hello, you're always very welcome! 

Greetings, Marcos


Level 1
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Hello @Ada4471 , Hope you are doing good, don't have much idea about Miami or South Florida but here i  Dubai we are facing the same problem as its Summer here, my only advise for you is to make your listing stand out with getting good reviews, high ratings, building connection with the guests and focus more on direct booking in off seasons, use pricelabs to keep a watch on neighborhood prices of Airbnb apartment & hotels nearby, adjust your prices accordingly with it, it has helped me to get my listings on top, guest favorite, and got my superhost badge in 3 months of hosting. I hope this information is helpful to you. 

Level 1
Shelbyville, TN

Hi @Ada4471 , I think it’s a sign of the times. We have had fairly regular bookings at our 3 properties in Tennessee and Alabama but most have been fairly last minute. I’m not sure what this says about the market but something is certainly happening out there. We are a little concerned about a surplus of vacation rentals in the market and the tendency for folks to start lowering prices to  offset slow bookings but that’s not good for want of us. I suggest not being discouraged and it’s hopefully just a temporary dip that will correct itself. 

Level 1
Bradenton, FL

Same in Bradenton, lots onto April the nothing, I have considered cross booking with other platforms