Hello guys , I am renting a studio in Paris and since one ye...
Hello guys , I am renting a studio in Paris and since one year I have put it on airbnb . This is my principle residence and ...
I have hosted families for over three years. Children are the most work because they.....well...they are children. I just recently found out that my listing shows that children under 2 are free. My goodness....the spilled juice on the floors, the fingerprints on my glass doors, extra laundry, diapers in the garbage......all OK "if" I get paid for the extra work but it seems that Airbnb has decided that I should do this work for free? Sadly, the only way that I can stop this free promotion is to change my settings to "unsuitable" for children under 2 and now my listing will not show up when a family is looking to stay somewhere with small children.
Oh well, I had better go and check the other two platforms that I use.
AirBnb, based on comments here it seems quite clear the majority of hosts do not agree with your position of mandating "Under 2 is Free".
These are our business. We decide our rates and tariff policies. You are forcing our hand to take measures to navigate around this issue. Your software should support us by allowing us to stipulate in a variable field, "infants free under X" age, as many other booking engines do.
You are losing commission revenue because of this limitation, through both potentially increased tariffs, and the loss of booking requests all together.
Please consider this 'enhancement' as a matter of urgency in your future software releases.
Well said Claudia, AIRBNB don't really care about the Hosts in my opinion.
Couldn't agree more!
I agree! We should be able to enter charges for young children upfront and I do not believe they should ever be free. There is never a time that they will not impact the cost of utilities, cleaning, or general wear and tear on our listings. This should not be left up to guests to disclose; AirBnb should make sure hosts know what type of guest they are hosting upfront in order to protect our units and ensure we are fully compensated for hosting all guests. Children are likely to cost us in other ways from child-proofing to cleaning costs and damages. I was surprised to find that a guest requesting a booking from me was not being charged for their child; I should've known that and AirBnb should have that policy included in the listing details so we are aware of it when we are completing information about our units. We are new to Airbnb and I'm finding myself frustrated by all the things we do not know to beware of until the issues arise! Now that we know after having to decline a guest, we have updated our settings to exclude children under 12 to avoid the hassle...
Just checked the other two platforms and they do not make that offer that children under 2 stay for free. Is Airbnb trying to compete with hotels at the expense of hosts? My listing is not a hotel.
Just tried a "fake" booking and, although my listing now does not show up when someone with children under 2 is looking for a place, the software still allows infants to be listed in the guest drop down menu and they are free! So what is going on?
One thing else comes to mind, I have no doubt that alot of 2 and a half and possibly 3 year olds will become 2 year olds.
How does a host monitor this as it will happen.
Do we ask for proof of age on arrival or prior to booking.
This makes it all to hard, and akward in nregard to host and guest relationship.
@Mark-And-Pearl0, Gee, what a well developed speech your two year old has. And such big teeth! And just look at that graduation diploma... 🙂
We will not be offering bedding or beds for 2 year olds or under as we have linen purchased through our local laundrette and this costs money.
The only other option is to raise prices and this works for nobody.
The other problem is we dont want 2 year olds and under sleeping with there parents in the double bed as the possibility of them urinating is somewhat on the high side.
We paid $1500 just for matreess on these beds.
I think airbnb havent thought this policy through to well.
No matter who you accomodate it costs money.
Hi Mark and Pearl
I put a waterproof mattress pad on my guest bed after one guest with a baby ended up with the baby sleeping with them. I am totally in agreement with co-sleeping but they hadn't indicated that the baby would be in bed with them after I provided a crib. It's a joke to think that we can't charge and could end up replacing an expensive mattress!
I tried booking.com and landed up being invaded with homeless drug addicts and had to get the police to remove them. I dont like it that my address is shown on their site so they just turn up. Is Stayz any better. I has frightened me
same here - my first experience with BDC is a one nighj junkie couple leaving some junkie glas stuff in the apartment 😮
Yes, I have the same concerns with kids sleeping with parents! I have said " you will need to buy me a new mattress if the child urinates the bed" . Not had a problem to date!
Othe problem: Airbnb have suggested I write in my description children are not free. BUT, this automatically causes a problem, because Airbnb has already said it's free, then my potential guest will move onto another Host. Airbnb have made the decision on our behalf. I make beds, cots with linen. They all get their own towel, facewasher etc. The kids ALWAYS use my bath tub. More work all round. And Airbnb says Oh! THEY ARE FREE. I have made a complaint to Airbnb, and they will forward my suggestion to a higher level???? watch this space!