How can the listing photo not look like it is ?? It's a pho...
How can the listing photo not look like it is ?? It's a photo !!! and My listing gives the exact square footage of the...
I'm a new host and need STR insurance (I'm trying to expand my existing homeowner's policy but we'll see). Many posts in these forums about insurance scare me, and the quote I got from Proper Insurance was 8 times our current policy. I won't be renting my place out often, so when I heard about Slice (which charges by the rental) I was excited, but if you click on Get A Quote on their web site it says just "Slice is not currently offering new homeshare insurance policies. We apologize for the inconvenience."
Does anyone know of an alternative that operates like Slice (that would be affordable for a place that doesn't rent out often)?
Following this as well - running into the same issue and the quote from Proper insurance was very high. Hoping Slice begins offering policies again soon or that there is another comparable service.
Following also. I'm in the same boat!
@Conrad76 @Andy-and-Daljit0 @Hilary212
Could we please bring this conversation active again? Now that we are almost able to re-open safely...
My local insurance agent found that Travelers has a “Home-Sharing Host Activities Coverage” optional package, for minimal extra cost over a basic home owner's policy. I'm confident that I am covered now.
So glad to hear that! We got similar from our homeowners agent, a business policy for STR.
I don't see even the option for Slice short-term rental policies anymore. I did get a quote from Proper insurance which (for my area) was ridiculously high. I am currently looking into Foremost to see if they can offer a more competitive quote. If not, I will likely just settle with a landlord's policy through my existing insurance provider.
Open to any and all true short-term rental insurance company suggestions!
I spoke with Slice and they are not offering coverage, sorry to say. Let's all please keep talking!
Check out Superhog, they provide damage coverage up to 5m.