Some things to know!!

Level 2
Bahía Blanca, Argentina

Some things to know!!

Hello Friends!!

I´m a very new Host, with a lot of doubts a things to learn and I´m so curious:

- How important is allowing pets? I´ve setted as not but anyway I received questions regarding this, then I had to clarify in detail. Which is your experience about cleaning and allergy?

- The same with desk for working reasons.

- The same with Chair for babies

- What regarding cleaning tariff, I could see that % for Airbnb includes cleaning amount.

- In some cities in USA  is mandatory registering properties for Airbnb, but I went to many Airbnb places in Florida with not mention to many of the rules listed in rental-license-regulations. Which is the experience regarding this?


I will be waiting for your comments and advicing!!


thank you so much




5 Replies 5

I have found it more important if you are trying to get long term guest.  It isn't very difficult to get someone to watch your pet for 2-3 days, but when it comes to a month or more at a time, it is challenging and many people consider their pets part of their family, so they wouldn't want to leave their pets for that long, even if they could. 

We struggle with this too.  We just started allowing pets, on a case-by-case basis, in one of our units.  

Level 2
Bahía Blanca, Argentina

Dear John, thank you for your wisdom, at the first time I thought to admit pets as you do, but it takes time and I prefered instant book with not pets, anyway people ask me.

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Toronto, Canada

Hello @Fabian860 ,

Welcome to the Community Center! and Congratulations on initiating your journey with Airbnb🌻

You surely have asked some good questions here! I hope you get some really interesting advices from our seasoned Hosts!


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England, United Kingdom

@Fabian860 we don't allow pets due to the near impossibility of removing all their hair from the carpets. 
We do provide a high chair (and a large shower curtain to use underneath it to catch dropped food. This and the desk, if they fit in the listing are worth doing we believe.

Dear Mark and Jane, thanks so much for your prompt comments, I appreciate them deeply. I´m new hosting with so many to learn. I thought to include some upgrades but I don´t know if they are really appreciated.