Subletting rules_Ireland

Level 1
Sostegno, Italy

Subletting rules_Ireland

Hello everyone, 

I heard that there will be changes about short term lets in Ireland.

I don't own a property to rent on the short term market, but my intention would be to rent a property with a normal tenency agreement (fixed term/periodic) to then sublet it to someone else.

Maybe someone does that already and could help me trying to understand if this could be seen as a short term let (so with new restrictions) or not. 


Thanks for your help.



5 Replies 5
Level 10
Rawai, Thailand



Best you check then double check, do you intend to let the owner know what you are thinking of doing?


@Sudsrung0  Hi,  yes, if you intend to sublet a property which is not yours, the landlord must agree to that. 



Not everybody informs the owner, it happens here in Phuket, subletting here in Thailand is illegal but it happens

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

1. Check out the local STR regulations in Ireland on the Irish government website /part of Ireland you are interested in


2. check with the landlord whether they agree for you to sublet for short term rentals - the vast majority won't 



Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Virginia687 in addition to getting the right to do short term rentals specifically written into your lease you will also need house insurance suited to short term rental. It doesn't come cheap!