Suddenly no more bookings for next 2 months

Suddenly no more bookings for next 2 months

We have had steady bookings for the past 2 years with most months completely full. Now we have no bookings at all, not even one. I am worried that the listing is not visible or that some setting has changed that I don't know about.  We have instant booking on and smart pricing on and good reviews and 96% response rate.


Please advise. I am really worried about this.

77 Replies 77

Provide your listing URL so we can see which listing is yours so we might be able to look it up for you. 

Every search type I tried, your listing was within the first 2 returned search results.  What do your Stats say about views vs. bookings?


It says 122 views in last 30 days and 1 contact

So 122 people have been looking - that shows that your property is being seen by others.  The fact that you aren't being booked after people are looking is curious.  Do you want people to try and give you tips on being more attractive in a competative market? 

@Joe---Jade-and-Miguel0.   Dont use a URL to see your listing...that will always come up...using a computer NOT your own...go to Abnb site and search your search and amenities search. I have found my listing just completely missing twice this year.


How did you get that resolved?

Thank you


@Jerry25.  Finally posted on Airbnb center useless.

Which Airbnb page?  There are several. 

I meant Which FB Airbnb page?

I just posted on the general Airbnb FB page under top post. I found a ton of complaints there. 

I have the same problem,

In the summer when its dead I got tons of reqy=uests now that it is season, Im not getting any views

This is Boston. Businesses, hospitals and colleges. More of a year round market although prices will be lower in Dec and Jan.  I would not expect to have bookings if I was in a summer vacation spot. I already have one of those in Maine so I understand the market. Everyone around me is booked and I am priced competitively. So, like many others who are typically always booked, there has been a sudden drop off. So, as many others have posted, there appears to be an Airbnb issue. If you look at various forums many people have same comment. I was hoping for comments from community members who may have better insight to the issue who have observed the same thing. This forum has been a great resource for me!

Level 2
Washington, DC

Hi Jade and All,


I also have the same issue (though only hosting for a couple months).  I have been booked solidly for the past few months and a couple weekes ago I realized i wasn't getting ANY inquires or reservations.  Looking at the calendar I do not have any reservations for the months of November and December. 


I put in a support ticket but have yet to hear back from AirBnB since Friday.  I was told that they are aware it is happening.  I hope they quickly fix it!


[email address removed]