Suddenly no more bookings for next 2 months

Suddenly no more bookings for next 2 months

We have had steady bookings for the past 2 years with most months completely full. Now we have no bookings at all, not even one. I am worried that the listing is not visible or that some setting has changed that I don't know about.  We have instant booking on and smart pricing on and good reviews and 96% response rate.


Please advise. I am really worried about this.

77 Replies 77

It is so frustrating. Airbnb changed the system in November. I think there must be a problem  there are so many complaints. I would recommend seeking another place to list. This is unreliable and there is no support. 

I've had the same issue. Hard to trust the system when you have no idea if anyone can even see you. Our community is pack with tourists and we are having a record season, but no recent requests or reservations. What gives. 

@Colleen47 go to a computer not your own and do a search for your type of rental.  If you cant find yourself, your listing may have disappearred which can happen for no reason. It happened to me twice,

@Colleen47, Yes, as Amy says it can happen! I would suggest that you first go to an independent computer (One never used before to Search in Airbnb) and try to search for your apartment with parameters that will produce results that SHOULD include your apartment. If your apartment does not come up then,  contact your local Airbnb office and explain the situation to them. Also, there are new features like the number of times your apartment has been viewed in a week. Does any information come up for your apartment about how many times it has been viewed? Check your options thoroughly  in the system to make sure you haven't indavertently activated restricted booking in some way or some how an option you have not used is activated! Remember to keep an eye on pricing by checking comparable properties in your area. You need to remain competitive!


Good Luck.

Level 1
Cottesloe, Australia

Check your availability settings. 

I accidently blocked out my summer months stating 120 night minimum when I Tried to put the price for $120 over the summer being a busier period for me. 

Thanks @Denyse0 , it's all good here.

Level 2
Portland, ME

For the people who have talked with or messaged with airbnb support, did your listing happen have more views or bookings as a result? 



1 booking

Past 30 days 

Not yet. It has been one week. Granted its a holiday week, but I have still not gotten a reservation request after I contacted

Thank you so much @Dodie0 You have no idea how much I appreciate you taking time to write.

THANK YOU for your encouraging words. I really needed it. I will call in about an hour and hope someone is at  Airbnb offices will take my call this time. I am in London.
I wish you every success with your property going forwards with lots and lots and lots of bookings!

- Lorraine -i

@Lorraine-Forex0 @Dodie0

Lorraine and Dodie, I did a map search for you and you were the first are definitely there.  I think people have been hunkering down to see what the political landscape is going to bring. If you dont mind a suggestion, I would change my listing picture to something more enticing like the outside of the house.

I hav had only had 2 inquiries since October after being booked 20 or more days a month since April.

one cause of the drop in bookings I  feel is the huge increase in listings. Nashville has gone from 2000 last year to over 3200 this year. Also corporate people are getting into this and their financial needs are very different than ours.

That being said, I have dropped off the listings twice this year.  Once, I had topost to Facebook to get someone to listen to me and the second time it just fixed itself.

Go figure.

Yes Amy. I agree. I think the supply in my popular neighborhood has increased so demand is down. And I am may have to lower my nightly a little. Some money is better than no money. Good luck all!

Nothing has happened for m!  I have tried to contact them and also twitted. So far no response.

Level 3
Oakland, CA

Ok, I posted on this thread a couple of weeks ago, and have been following everyones frustrations. What I finally did, was take my vacant opportunity to paint, and freshen up my unit. I am posting new pics and I am not changing my pricing that has been the same since I started. 

What I also did was call Airbnb. I actually got a human with no wait time. I asked him to verify my 100% searchability. He said it was. I told him, I just tested it with a new ipad, and no cookies, and I was nowhere to be found on any page on the search for my neighborhood. He then used his special "tools" and reconfigured my longitude and lattitude. We then searched again and I came up on the first page. 

I think everyone who has had this unexpected drop in reservations should call help. Email them, or contact and they will take your questions or concern and actually call you back.  I had my partner contact them through directly, and I called this number 1-855-424-726  Don't ask me how I found this, but I felt like I was actually DOING something instead of just complaining. NOW - I have yet to have a new reservation. But I am hopeful. 

I also told this guy, the "Community" is certain that IB is the reason we are falling off the face of the earth without reservations. He said, that is not true. That not opting in with Instant Book, has zero bearing on search results. I had him repeat it twice. 

With that, all I could do was hope for the best. But sqeaky wheels get the grease. Go complain .... Though they take a reservation fee, it is still a free service. Homeway and VRBO are expensive, and are continuing to change their platform to be very much like Airbnb. 

Good luck all. I will feel better after I get a reservation request. But at least I am doing something. 

I tried your solutions. Still waiting for answer. I didn't get through on the as I did not even know that I had an expert account! I gave my usual Airbnb password but, the login validation didn't accept it. I did write and twitted but so far no response from Airbnb.

@Lorraine-Forex0 try calling 020 33181111. I called them yesterday and was speaking to a very helpful lady called Kim within a minute, no hold time. I was calling about another issue but she told me would get it sorted out in 24 hours and actually did it in less than two.