Suddenly no more bookings for next 2 months

Suddenly no more bookings for next 2 months

We have had steady bookings for the past 2 years with most months completely full. Now we have no bookings at all, not even one. I am worried that the listing is not visible or that some setting has changed that I don't know about.  We have instant booking on and smart pricing on and good reviews and 96% response rate.


Please advise. I am really worried about this.

77 Replies 77



I live 5,000 miles away from Washington D.C. and guessed that Winter is low season there...cold and wet and since most of the attractions are outdoor orientated not much reason to visit there in Winter, sure enough, AirDNA Average Daily Rate statistics support my belief.


So you have to calculate your fixed costs and decide how low you are willing to cut rates just to have heads in beds and at what point is an empty room more desirable than working for peanuts. If you have planned maintenance coming up, use the low-occupancy time to take care of potential future problems so you have fewer maintenance/out-of-service issues during high-season.

Hey Scott, yes winter is a bit lower season but last year this time we definitely had reseravation for Thanksgiving and Xmas. So it's particularly unsual that there is none at all. I mean I would understand if it were low and we only had one or two but we have zero and that seems just odd.

I am having the same problem too! Last year I was booked every weekend through the winter and now nothing for the next few months. I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out how to bump up bookings! 

@Joe---Jade-and-Miguel0 I checked oakland and put in dates for next week, and whole house and your listing was #1 on the list. It did not appear that instant book was on however.  Might jut be a slow time or whatever issue was fixed, or your location is less desirable than others.  Congratulations though you have a amazing reviews and a great looking place so I'm sure its just a lul..


Andrew - see community help guides for many great FAQ

Thank you Andrew for checking. Instant book should be on. You don't see the little yellow sign next to the price?

@Joe---Jade-and-Miguel0 No I did not see the IB logo but there are always glitches with the website. 


IF you check your stats are you getting views?  If Views are also zero you likely have a listing issue.  Otherwise its just slow, your listing looks great, seems to be getting placment and in my eyes price seems competative.  I would rent for much lower as it tends to attract more problem guests.   


Andrew - see community help guides for many great FAQ

Hello @Anonymous

Could you kindly post that FAQ link again. I think it's been truncated. Been trying it since you posted it, but the link does not work.

Many thanks.

- Lorraine -

I guess they truncated the size of the closing.  You can find the FAQ under the discussion menu of this forum,  Choose - Discuss->Community Help and then the FAQ list is the top one



Andrew - see community help guides for many great FAQ

Thx @Anonymous.

Thank you! Let me know if they get back to you 🙂

Hi, just wondering how do you put in a support ticket to Airbnb? Many thanks.

Hi - has this been fixed for you? If so, did Airbnb say anything about the cuase of this? 
I am in a similiar position now, but when i contact Airbnb they always suggest to come here to the Community Center and after extensive research i can't seem to find what anythng fundamentally wrong with my listing(s). I can see my listings are being viewed though and it is a tourist season in prague right now.



[links removed]


Thanks in advance for your reply.


Level 4
New York, NY

Lower your rental rates; then you'll get customers again.  Right now, your potential guests are looking at listings with better deals.

hey, yeah I get that but I had it set to smart pricing and was hoping that Airbnb would set competitive prices with smart pricing. It seems to not do that however. What do you think?

Level 5
Los Angeles, CA

I'm in the same boat here in Los Angeles. I was slow last year but this is just terrible. My unit is also one of the least expensive in the area. I thought maybe the election season is causing a slow down in tourism.