Suggestions..... listing details that need to change please

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

Suggestions..... listing details that need to change please

Is there a suggestions thread anywhere? I couldn't find one. 

We've all got some ideas about what needs to be changed (that one about "no free parking on site" is a doozy) but i'm a bit confused (and so are my guests) as to the description for the laundry. my 2 options for washing machine are "in unit" "in building". 
1) we have a house
2) the wm is not in the small house we rent, it's in the main farmhouse some 100m away.  (my last long-term tenant broke the wm so i'm not keen to put another one in)

Could we please have a way to simply write in some extra info? Currently I have "in building" selected but it's really vague. I have written about the laundry in my guest manual but we all know how that goes......... current guest was sure I had listed a wm in the listing, even though there isn't a photo of a laundry at all, and i'm not keen to include a photo of the house laundry (should i ever find a day when it's tidy enough for a photo!) as guests will not read the caption and make assumptions, leading to disappointment. 

9 Replies 9
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



My washing machine for guests is located in the house next door (so not "in the accommodation" nor in "the building", so i ticked none of these options). An extra field on this amenity for a third option with some description to add would indeed be convenient.


I  now have mentioned it in the description.


You can make suggestions also at: Airbnb Feedback 

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Emiel1 wrote:


You can make suggestions also at: Airbnb Feedback 

@Emiel1  does this achieve anything? 



@Gillian166  It can if enough people over enough time give feedback on a certain issue.  Why not give it a try?

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Ann72  yes i did leave feedback. just curious if it achieves anything. these forums are VERY light considering how many millions of hosts there are. I doubt there's more than 100 regular posters, that is appallingly low. 

I've noticed that @Gillian166 - usually no more than 1,500 people online at any time.  But any host or guest can give feedback at any time without coming here, so maybe there's more activity through that link than we infer.

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Ann72  I sent in feedback, 2 lots now, haven't had an email even saying "thanks for your feedback" so for all i know those go into a junk folder at ABB, never to be seen again. 

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Jill, I have found a great way to discourage guests who might want to push the choke as far as offered facilities are concerned. Let my screenshot tell the story ........


Classic pre-approval.png

Guess what Gillian, I got a message back 5 minutes later saying.....Stay not possible!


Mission accomplished!!!!!



You're hilarious! You made me laugh.  Thanks for that.

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

oh my god you cheeky thing, hahahahaha. Did you seriously send that?? 🤣

but true story, I got a travel hairdryer & straightener set at that salvos in the Bark. no one used it for months and then one time i had to put it away I noticed it still had their stickers on the actual devices (I'd removed them from the packaging). oops. either way the actual hairdryer set was brand new NIP type thing. 

I'm also thinking our microwave also came from there!! haha.