Taxation step in france

Taxation step in france

Hi , i rented a new apartment to start AirBnb business what are the taxation and regulations step do i need to consider ….


4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Mudassir0 As you seem to be putting the cart before the horse I wouldn't worry too much. The first thing though is to check your landlord is OK with to doing Airbnb arbitrage. Most are not!

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Mudassir0


Welcome to the community! How is your project progressing so far?


In addition to Mike's suggestion regarding landlord permission, I thought you might find the following pages quite interesting as they gather a lot of useful information regarding hosting in France: 

@Joelle43 As our resident French expert, is there anything else you'd advise Mudassir checks before starting out?


Thanks 🙂




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Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Emilie @Mudassir0 


There are many, many things to put in place before renting legally in France and the "Anti Airbnb" law (yes, seriously they've named it like that😡) is going to be put in place early 2025 so there is much to consider.

It doesn't look like Mudassir is seeing the likes or the replies he's had so if you don't mind Emilie, I'll wait to see if Mudassir asks for any help before spending time and energy on this.


It's not clear if he is wanting to sublet the apartment or if he owns the  apartment and it would be helpful if we knew if this is his main home or a secondary home that he is letting. (Different laws apply)   There is no profil and no listing so not much to go on.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Of course, @Joelle43!


@Mudassir0 Take a look at the advice and resources we've shared so far, and let us know if you have more questions so Joelle and other experienced hosts can try and help further. 🙂 



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