Transaktion history 2020

Level 2
Sønderborg, Denmark

Transaktion history 2020

I need a full view over over the payments in 2020- I cant use a CSV file, so I need help to get it otherwise in my email:-) I can only download af csv file in transaktions.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



A CSV file is a simple and rather common file format and can be imported in a Spreadheet program or even in a text processor. There used to be a PDF version in the "list of reservations", also containing amounts, but for some reason that option has disappeared (@Airbnb: why ?)


But if you select in the Transaction History the desired time period (e.g. year 2020) and click "more" at bottom of screen until the list is complete (no "more" option appears), you can print it to a pdf-writer, creating a pdf file. Although only totals per each transaction (no details) will appear, unless you open each transaction first with drop-down selector before printing.....


But I recommend to download the CSV file anyway, it is most compact and easy way to have all financial data available

Level 2
Sønderborg, Denmark

Thank You 🙂