Hi!I've been trying to submit a claim for damaged items and ...
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Hi!I've been trying to submit a claim for damaged items and the photos aren't loading. They are .jpg and 2MB each. The messag...
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Hi! My name is Laura, and I am new in this community.
I lived in Indonesia and when I was about to book a trip in Indonesia, I assume that I would be paying in Indonesian Rupiah, but the currency option does not list that; making it unavailable for me to see the total amount of the booking in Indonesian Rupiah.
Should there be any suggestions or solutions, they would be very much appreciated.
Kindest regards,
Laura **
Hello @Laura1192,
Airbnb doesn't allow us to choose the currency we pay in.
They control the currency and all conversions.
I clicked on "Help" and typed "currency" in the "Ask a question" box. The article below showed up.
Hi there @Steve143
I believe a couple months ago, i still can use "Indonesian Rupiah" as Preferred Currency, not as payment yet,
but now i can't find the "Indonesian Rupiah" at my Preferred Currency, while my friend still using it, and we both from Indonesia.
Is there any bug on my account or something?
same with me. In my airbnb Account there is no option for Indonesian currency (IDR).
Same with me here, i can use IDR to see the pricing list but when i am about to deal the payment it said I can’t use IDR to pay the book.
Hi Adiska. Have you get any help from airbnb according to this issue? because it happens also with my other guest. They can't make any payment because of airbnb doesn't accept IDR currency. It ruins my bussiness.
hi, can i know what did you use for payment at the end ?
Check this link, we created a petition for airbnb to put back IDR as supported payment. It was removed on October 20th, 2017 as explained by airbnb support on my request. But they don't explain why, and worse, many users still has IDR as default setting. When they still have IDR, prices are shown in rupiahs, but when you try to finish the payment, it will come back with an error saying rupiah is not supported.
This is frustating for both guests and hosts. I think we should demand a change on the airbnb's side.
Terima kasih atas usahanya.
Sudah saya tandatangani.
Sebagai host saya sangat direpotkan oleh tidak adanya kurs IDR. Ketika tamu saya hendak membooking, banyak yang menjadi ragu karena mereka tidak tahu pasti kurs yang akan dibebankan pada saat tagihan kartu kredit nanti.
ent Hi pak sastra..malam ini saya juga sudah sampai tahap payment untuk book unit bapak di braga tetapi payment saya gagal.karena currency cc saya adalah IDR. Bagaimana jalan keluarnya pak
Hi bu Yulistia, jika ibu kesulitan payment di Airbnb dengan mata uang Rupiha IDR, ibu bisa menggunakan jasa pembayaran sebagi alternatif nya.
Coba bisa dipelajari dulu di artikel berikut bu https://viapaypal.id/blog/cara-pesan-dan-bayar-di-airbnb/ .
terima kasih.
this things actually happen to me as well while my friend still able to pay with IDR, looks like this is a bug
Halo, saya juga mengalami hal yang sama ketika akan melakukan pembayaran. Tapi, kalau saya coba book lewat HP, dia langsung mengubah kurs-nya menjadi mata uang dolar Amerika. Apakah sudah ada yang bisa menggantinya?
sebelum sign up, saya cek unit di airbnb dengan nominal rupiah, namun setelah sign up, isi data pribadi, pas bagian "preferred currency" saya tidak menemukan currency Indonesia Rupiah, menurut saya pribadi, saya lebih enak bertransaksi memakai mata uang Indonesia Rupiah, biar saya tahu budget dan actual expenses saya ketika traveling.
mohon info nya, mungkin para host / guests bisa menjawab masalah yg saya hadapi
bisakah kita mengajukan ke airbnb agar Indonesia Rupiah bisa menjadi preferred currency
Yes, I got a link to a place in Bandung from my friend. The price listed in IDR.
But then after I sign up, it was changed to USD and I can't change it back to IDR. So annoying... I live in Indonesia.
If this is a bug, please fix it... I don't want to pay in USD for a place located in Indonesia.