Hi, i am new in hosting but i have been using airbnb as a bo...
Hi, i am new in hosting but i have been using airbnb as a booker for quite sometime. I just want to ask some advices on how c...
We are a property management company based in Paros, and we are currently facing challenges related to Airbnb's commission. Our accountant has confirmed on multiple occasions that, even though the Airbnb commission never directly enters our bank account, we are still required to account for the VAT on this commission as an expense. This significantly reduces our net revenue per booking and places our company at considerable financial risk.
This is an example:
Booking amount 1000 €
Our commission including VAT 186 €
Airbnb commission 150 €
Net commission: 186 - 29,03 (24% of 150)
Is there a way to minimize or completely eliminate this expense?
Thank you.
@Maria22790 I can only say how it works in the UK but I think it would be similar for you.
Booking cost 100
Airbnb fees 14.2+VAT = 17.04
Taxable profit for me is 100-17.04 = 82.96
So I think I am doing what your accountant says and accounting for the Airbnb VAT as an expense.
Hi @Maria22790,
Welcome to the community, I hope you're doing well!
In addition to Mike's input, I wanted to share the following articles in case they provide additional useful context
Does any of this help? Let us know how you get on. 🙂
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
It doesn't help at all...
If your company pays VAT presumably you also claim it back. I think a local host group would be better able to advise you as they understand your VAT regulations @Maria22790