Want to create a QR Code for our property so I can put it on a sign in the window.

Want to create a QR Code for our property so I can put it on a sign in the window.

Hi Everyone,  This is Jo from Norfolk in the UK. Our property is a new listing and is on a marina with lots of foot traffic. I thought it would be a good idea to place a QR in the window but have no idea how to create one. Can anyone help please? Cheers and have a lovely day! Jo 

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If you Google creating a QR code you will find options including Bitly that will help you create a QR code @Jo1018 



Level 10
Manila, Philippines

Hi @Jo1018 


There are many free QR code generators online.  To name a few QR Code Monkey, QR Code Generator, QR stuff.


Go to any of the QR code generator websites.

Paste your Airbnb listing URL in the input field.

Click Generate and Download the QR code.

Print or Share Your QR Code


Hope this helps!