What is the payment postcode for Hong kong

What is the payment postcode for Hong kong

What is the payment postcode for Hong Kong visa credit card

2 Replies 2
Level 10
BSB, Brunei

Dear Mr. Ivan


There is no payment post code in terms of Financial Services Globally. Postcode is use or required for address or location purpose of a country or county.


To receive or make payment via visa credit card some time some financial institution may ask for billing address and postcode. Kindly check your card  billing address.


Hope you understand the postcode concept or you may search in the google.


Thank you





I'm trying to add a new payment to make a booking, and face the same problem as postcode.


There's no such thing as postcode in HK. I check the mail from my bank which issue the credit card, there's no postcode. I tried every combination suggested on Google (000, 0000, 00000, 00000000, HKG), nothing work....


The conclusion is - I really want to make a booking but I couldn't because Airbnb seems to understand there's no postcode for Hong Kong (while I never have a problem making payment online everywhere else with my visa) 😞