I allow AirBnb to collect local taxes and pay them directly ...
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I allow AirBnb to collect local taxes and pay them directly to the state of New Mexico for me. In order for me to renew my s...
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Hi everyone, i have started to be a host in July. Since that time i havn't recived any payouts. i put account number ( was veryfied by Airbnb and is shown as default, i have indicated min value of transfer. trying to get help from airbnb service , but since 2 months is the same : "Thanks for reaching out to us regarding this issue. I'm forwarding your inquiry to a member of our team who can better assist you" or " I'm forwarding you to the correct department to make sure you receive a prompt and proper response "
2 times airbnb asked me to put a new bank account number and delete the old one , but after that the story is always the same 😞 - still with no results . Can someone help me ? Thx in advance
Hi @Maciej69
You say you've been a host since July, but I'm not sure when your first reservation was. Note that a 30-day waiting period may apply:
If you're a new Host, we may hold your payouts for 30 days after your first reservation is confirmed. If your first reservation is more than 30 days away, your payout will be released 24 hours after your guest's scheduled check-in.
Hi , thx for info. My first reservation was on 17th of july 😞
mam wrażenie , że jest to robione celowo aby opóźnić wypłaty. zrobiłem już wszytsko, 3 razy dodawałem nowy numer konta, zawsze został zweryfikowany przez airbnb, nie wiem co robić , żadnej realnej pomocy ze strony serwisu airbnb nie ma- ciągle te same odpowiedzi o przekierowaniu do innego zespołu ....
I have the impression that this is done intentionally to delay payments. I have done everything, 3 times I added a new account number, it has always been verified by airbnb, I do not know what to do, no real help from airbnb service - still the same answers about redirecting to another team ....
[Google translation added by OCM]
Hello @Maciej69, since you posted here a few days ago, I wanted to check in and ask if this has been resolved. Have you received your payouts?
Was 17 July the date on which you received the booking, or the check-in date of your first guest?
check in date