"Send Money" Deductions deducted from next literal payout regardless of listing, NOT next payout from listing

Level 1
Twizel, New Zealand

"Send Money" Deductions deducted from next literal payout regardless of listing, NOT next payout from listing

Hi Airbnb Community. Sorry for the vague and uninteresting title, but in my opinion this is kind of a big deal so I'm wondering if anyone else experienced this. I'm providing way too much info here but it's the only way I can clearly describe it:


I have 2 listings, one that I own myself, and one that I am in a partnership on. Both these listing's payouts get paid into seperate bank accounts.

On occasion, I use the "Send Money" request to return money to guests due to issues, cleaning issues, delays, etc etc. The process is that the amount sent gets deducted from the next payout. This was all good when I just had one listing.

Not that I have 2, what happens is that the money gets deducted from the next payout, based on time. What this means is that If I am sending guests money who are staying in property A, this could get deducted from a payout related to property B, instead of from the next payout from property B. This is a nightmare accounting wise.


Has anyone else experienced this?

1 Reply 1
Level 1
Twizel, New Zealand

Apologies, above has a typo.....meant to say: 

What this means is that If I am sending guests money who are staying in property A, this could get deducted from a payout related to property B, instead of from the next payout from property A