why did I receive this? Problem collecting payment for reservation **

Level 1
San Gwann, Malta

why did I receive this? Problem collecting payment for reservation **

guest has been with me since October 2020 till now. what does this message mean? I assume he had already paid for his stay.



**[Sensitive information removed from the title in line with - Community Center Guidelines]


2 Replies 2
Level 10
СПБ, Russia



With a long term guest, they don't pay in full for a long booking but do so every month.




I'd ask your guest in the first instance, there might be various reasons behind a non payment -  but be very clear that if airbnb can't collect a further payment, you won't receive anything either.

Level 10
Bergen, Norway

@Maria13440 long term guests pay in monthly instalments and airbnb now has problems collecting for the next month. Presumably, the guest has maxed out the credit card on file, card is expired and guest has forgotten to update, card has been lost or stolen etc. If you ask your guest, maybe there is a valid reason and the issue will be resolved.

Hopefully, the guest will have other valid payment methods available, but there is no guarantee.