About my listing

Level 1
Bayamón, Puerto Rico

About my listing

Since hurracaine Maria, Puerto Rico spent 10 month without basic service.  Of course, this affect my listing, now everything is back to normal and I dont find my listing when try to search thru my daugther account as it was a trip. Dont know if was put on pause or cancel.  Dont know how to find my listing again. What can I do to find it?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Cecilia356 ,

Your listing is still in the system and can be booked, see:


(if no map shown, turn it on in upper right corner)


Maybe do some more "zooming in" on the map when searching accomodation in

Bayamón, Puerto Rico. As there is a lot of competition...
best regards, Emiel