Actual location much different than listing

Level 1
Marshall, NC

Actual location much different than listing

How does the “approximate location” get put in a listing (i.e. by the host, by Airbnb, or by some Google algorithm)? I’ve stayed at a lot of places before now, and typically the actual location turns out to be within a few blocks of the approximate one displayed before booking. Today I got a confirmation and the place is 14 blocks away from the icon displayed on the Google map in the listing. This being the center of a major city that I’d hoped to walk in, is a big difference. I can cancel this if need be (my trip is two months away), but I don’t want to make this mistake again, especially with one I can’t cancel. 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Korey7 they do it by postcode, but if hosts don't check they are sometimes wrong.

I had them site the pin in the map by hand so it was correct.

Dialogue with the host would help, if it is not clear in the listing.

"How far are you from the town centre?"