Adding a second room option - thoughts?

Level 1
Tasmania, Australia

Adding a second room option - thoughts?

I currently rent out a room in my house. I am adding another room. What's the best way to list this? A separate listing or add to the existing one somehow. The rooms are completely different and different prices.thanks Kerry.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

@KerryAndJohn0 A second listing. You might also consider one more listing (a third) for the two rooms  together - thus a bigger group might be able too book it.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"
Level 10
Farmington, CT


Take a look at my listing. I have 3: 1 BR, 1BR, 2BR together. One room is nicer and I could make that price higher but I chose not to at this point. The only issue with this is that you have to be REALLY current on your calendar-even moreso if you have Instant book on. I have IB on the single rooms but not the double room. I also have a strict cancelation on the double room so if they cancel I am not out too much. I have not had too much success in synching calendars-it has failed a few times this year.