Air B and B plus

Level 1
Penzance, United Kingdom

Air B and B plus

Hello, wondering if anyone can help!  We have a air b and b plus man comming to vist the house tomrrow. We live in most of the year so we have alot of our stuff in it at the moment. We try and move out as much of our stuff when we rent the property out.  Do we need to take everything out like we are renting the property? Like clear out fridge etc? Thank you !! 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Murphy, NC


Think of it from the assessment point of view and the Airbnb Plus person coming to see your property...... they obviously must be viewing it as you will be presenting it to future guests - who have chosen a PLUS listing exactly because of the high standards guaranteed by Airbnb.

So if you are investing in the PLUS program - I would suggest making the effort to present your property in the best light possible - especially if the photographer is coming.  Which means making the place guest ready in all aspects.

But probably you would get away with the fridge full of food - no one can see inside and you could explain that one, no problem, I woud have thought :-))

Good Luck and Happy Hosting.

Level 5
Martindale, TX


Hello Kelly,

I think you are right in wanting to make it as Guest only friendly as possible. You may even consider leaving a friendly note of greeting and quick explanation OR in your house rules/policies stating: Certain decor or amenities may be unavailable, and changes periodically, and that they acknowledge it and agree to it prior to booking. Then simply make sure anything person or sentimental is storage elsewhere or in a locked non-mobile safe. I hope this helps and best wishes for you! 🙂