Airbnb Calendar Blocked... But I didn't do that...

Level 3
Palm Springs, CA

Airbnb Calendar Blocked... But I didn't do that...

Hi All,


All of a sudden today it seems that my Airbnb calendar is showing entirely blocked.  But I didn't do that... Calendar sync with my external calendar-of-record is working (that is, booked dates from other systems are showing up), but all my dates are overridden as "blocked".  


This seems to have just happened today.  Also, other calendars that my Airbnb calendar feed into are also showing blocked as a result.


Anybody else seeing this strange behavior?


Thanks and Best Regards,


32 Replies 32

@Lizzie, a couple more thoughts on this:  I suspect what originally happened is that (in affected accounts) Booking Window settings started behaving as if "Dates unavailable by default" was the selected option.  Note that my settings at the time were "6 months into the future" as previously noted.  "6 months" is what was showing in my Booking Window options pulldown as well.


In addition to the reports of Calendar blocking behavior here, I also saw several tweets from hosts to @AirbnbHelp on twitter about the same issue.  Also saw a tweet to @AirbnbHelp from several hours earlier Tuesday morning (perhaps from Monday night?) from a guest, reporting that they weren't seeing availability for *any* property in Tokyo...  Just mentioning this in case it's helpful/related in tracking down the source of the issue.


As I and others noted in the thread, it is *possible* that there was some sort of interaction going on between imported synced calendars and the Booking Window settings, but that didn't seem predictable or reproducible.  Personally, I suspect that changing Booking Window settings was causing more-or-less random/incorrect results... But it's worth pointing out that some users observed that disconnecting (deleting) then re-connecting their imported calendar(s) made the Booking Window settings behave *differently* (if not correctly) after the re-import.


Best Regards,




I also discovered the issue on Tues morning, 10:46a when a guest auto booked.


On their end they did not encounter any problem, their reservation was successful, but I then saw all future dates blocked, including their reserved dates which did not show their reservation. Apparently this was just a display glitch since all was right with the reservation, which showed up when resolved, by changing the Booking window (described in my other posts).


Since I deleted my synced Apple calendar, I can not reproduce any problem and just tested all Booking window settings working as expected. I've only tested on Apple Safari 10.0.2 (Sierra, latest).

I have seen the same thing and it has completely screwed up my synched calendars.  I think the only solution until they get this fixed is to disable instant booking and stop syncing with other sites.  This will significantly redcue my Airbnb rentals but I cant risk being blocked when I dont want to be.  That will cost me much more in lost rentals than the reduction due to the more laborious booking method.