Airbnb Plus

Level 2
Geneva, Switzerland

Airbnb Plus

After receiving an invitation to join the Airbnb Plus program, a financial and a large personal investment was made to prepare the apartment according to the program's check-list.

After the inspection and the photo shoot, I received an email informing me that unfortunately at the moment they could not help new ads in my region to be part of the Airbnb Plus program. I confess that I was disappointed with the email. Well, if they couldn't help new ads to be part of the program, I don't think it was right: firstly, to send the invitation to make part of it, and secondly, not to warn in advance that they couldn't help new ads to be part of the program.
This way the result was for me a loss in terms of money, energy and time to prepare the apartment that wouldn't be part of the program anyway.
I was hoping to be compensated in some way: sending for example the inspection report (I would like to know what was being done well and what should be improved) and/or sending the photos from the photo shoot to update the ad.


After reporting my dissatisfaction through Airbnb Customer Support, it was explained to me that the responsible team unfortunately decided that my advertisement did not meet all Airbnb Plus standards (different explanation than the one that was given to me earlier). It was also explained to me that, at the time they were discontinuing invitations to host ads that did not meet the deadlines set to complete the Plus process stages (I was not informed about any deadlines). Regarding the photos it was explained to me that they do not provide them to the hosts because the Plus program has a specific style and design (this explanation seemed correct to me as the photos are part of the specificity of the Plus program and providing them to the hosts would give them the possibility to use on other platforms for example).


After the explanations from Airbnb Customer Support, I sent another message reminding that in the the Airbnb Plus process program, the next step following the inspection and photo shoot was to create a report to be sent to the host. I also informed that I would like to receive the report to understand the reasons why the accommodation does not meet the standards of the Airbnb Plus program.


Airbnb Customer Support responded by saying, among other things, that they were not in a position to provide further details.


I thanked Airbnb Customer Support for clarifications (in this case, minor) and said, and I repeat here, that this procedure was disappointing and I did not expect it from Airbnb at all. As I said before, I made a great effort to prepare the accommodation according to the Airbnb Plus checklist and I was expecting to at least receive the report that was scheduled to be sent after the inspection. 
By not sending me the report, Airbnb is not complying with what was planned and is not being correct in the procedure. In addition, it also shows a lack of consideration for the effort made by the host to respond to the check-list. And all this came after being Airbnb who made the invitation to participate in the program. 
Without the report the host is not even able to know what could be improved to provide better stays for guests (whether becoming part of the Airbnb Plus program or not).

10 Replies 10
Level 10
Kraków, Poland



Welcome to Airbnb, the house for Schmucks.


Based on the feed back on this community the Plus programme had absolutely no beneficial effect on occupancy levels or nightly rates, in fact you commenter said, since she went plus you occupancy levels dropped and obviously her income.



Hi Cormac,


Thank you for your reply. 🙂


Have a great day!

Level 10
London, United Kingdom


I am so sorry for this- so frustrating and very unprofessional on their end. 

honestly  i have not read much positive things about this programme:


- the lack of increased visibility and no further occupancy rates 

-the lack of control for listing, as an Airbnb employee writes the listing and not the home owner. To give an example I have seen a beautiful home located in west London and being promoted as Notting Hill (about 1.5 miles away) the park behind them was an urban park and was marketed as a “community garden”. All these small things do nothing to manage a guest’s expectation.

-also you are contractually disallowed from promoting on any other STR site, unless it’s their own. 

Think bullet dodged and think these improvements made your home better. 

Good luck to you 🙂




Hi ˙Yadira,


Thank you for your reply. 🙂


Yes, I don't regret to have improved my home to provide even better stays for my guests. At the end, that's the most important. 🙂


Have a great day!

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, @Natércio0, but if you had come here first to ask for opinions on Plus, well, I'm not sure you'd have bought into the hype. 



Hi Gordon,


Thank you for your reply. 🙂


Yes, I should have done that.


Have a great day!

Level 10
Orono, ME


Search 'Airbnb Plus' in this forum and read some articles written by Plus hosts. Then breathe a sigh of relief. 



Hi Emilia,


Thank you for your reply and suggestion. 🙂


Have a great day!

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Natércio0  I understand it's frustrating that Airbnb didn't follow the process they said they do. It's just one thing in a long list of ways Airbnb ignores their pwn policies. But as others have pointed out, you actually dodged a bullet- Plus has had nothing but bad reports here from hosts who were either trying to achieve it, or did, only to see all their heretofore steady bookings dry up. 

Airbnb sending you a report wouldn't give you any valuable information on what to provide to make stays better for guests- that's something you as a host develop on your own, according to your own ideas and feedback from your guests.



Hi Sarah,


Thank you for your reply. 🙂


Have a great day!