Airbnb Support Contradictions

Level 1
Los Angeles, CA

Airbnb Support Contradictions

PLEASE READ: The kitchen CEILING COLLAPSED in my host Juan Angel's apartment in Buenos Aires on my 5th day of a 3-week stay. The host susequently kicked out me and my girlfriend. In response, Airbnb Support wrote me:


"If you have to leave by order of your host, then you will receive full refund. In this case, it would be a problem if host calls police. If so, your case would be escalated to another department. We don't want that." - Carlos, Airbnb Support Staff


I sent Airbnb Support video of my host threatening to call the police if we didn't leave the premises immediately, even though we had nowhere else go to.  Airbnb did not consider this having to "leave by order of your host" because he didn't press the button on Airbnb to cancel. Therefore Airbnb sided with the host and didn't grant a refund.


Does anyone know how this works with Airbnb's official policy on keeping the word of their Support Staff?



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Como, CO

Obviously you could not stay there with a collapsed ceiling.


I would have thought you would be refunded the balance of your stay.


Did ABB offer to help you find alternative accomodation?
