Airbnb hosting restricyions

Airbnb hosting restricyions

I´m new hosting, and I want to know if Airbnb aplies whith time sharing in hotels ?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Roberto496. You can rent just about anything that can be considered an accommodation. Things you will need to consider with a time share are these: 


- Do you have permission to rent the space from any interested 3rd parties? You must have permission to rent on Airbnb. 


- Are there any fees associated with the time share that you will need to pay even if the guest cancels their stay?  You won't be able to recoup any cancellation fees outside of what is provided by Airbnb and even then, if the guest has an Extenuating Circumstance, they could get a 100% refund.  


- You may set a security deposit on the listing, but you may not request a separate payment for a security deposit.  This is against Airbnb's Terms of Service.  


- You may require that the guest sign a contract but the terms of the contract must be clearly outlined in the listing details or in a message through Airbnb's messenging system prior to accepting a reservation.  Any contractual arrangement is between you and the guest and Airbnb will not enforce any provision of the contract. 


- I strongly recommend that you read Airbnb's Terms of Service, especially the terms for hosts so that you don't accidentally find yourself doing something that violates the terms. 


Here is some suggested reading:


I hope this helps!

