I do not know how or why but Airbnb changed my address to the wrong town nearby. I had 6-7 mad Guests earlier this year because they got lost trying to find my house to check-in based on where Airbnb said my house was even though I send each Guest detail directions to find us. I kept getting bad reviews and low scores from these affected Guests and I was clueless what they were talking about which they stated in the comment sections as to why I was getting scored low blaming it on Airbnb creating their confusion. In nearly 5 years I have not scored below #4 and I started getting #2 & #3 for these category's "Accuracy", "Check-In" and consequently my "Overall Experience" rating went down because if this issue which made me lose my SuperHost Status on score numbers. Once I discovered their error I learned I could not correct my listing, they one item Airbnb blocks you from Editing is your address and you must go through all of their red-tape to change it. Problem summary: I get upset Guest due to a mistake by Airbnb not me and I can not correct this mistake only Airbnb can!
I reluctently contacted Airbnb as they have never supported me as a Host before and this time I was asking them to make an exception to the Review Rules (not to change any but do not use negative reviews I did not cause and could not correct) that caused me to lose my SuperHost status in April by .01% and not my fault. My rental income has been $0.00 since this happened to me 4 months ago and I have one single reservation for $1K from now until Christmas. I really feel victimized by Airbnb and now I am being financially punished by them as I was making $4-5K a month to $0.00. Something is badly wrong with this.
Not only has this matter cost me significant rental income ($40K so far), I also lost my SuperHost status, because of losing that I can not qualify for Airbnb's Work Collection listing category (only thing I lack), did not qualify for their Loan Program for upgrading your listing and who knows how much future income lost that will not offset my mortgage, taxes, insurance and every other usual home expense and who knows what all of the Service companies and folks will think of me and react to 8 months and no work for any of them?
I did contact Airbnb Support and the first guy in the Philippines could not understand what I was talking about because my listing has the correct address (it does now) and could not get past their rule of not changing Reviews (I was not asking him to) he then abruptly closed my case when I asked him a question by email. I decided to try for an English speaking Supervisor which was worse getting quoted the company line straight out of their operating manual after taking 3-4 days to respond. She did not comment on my situation and most likely never read my request or complaint.
David McKown