I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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I've been trying to verify my phone number to receive sms messages. it WILL NOT accept my valid, working phone # that I use for 2 factor verification with over a dozen online accounts. Clearly, Air BnB has a problem. I ended up using my land line, saying no to a SMS (!?) and a yes to a call back to verify. The number I WON'T have contact with when I'm traveling. I see NO place to address this problem. Anybody have any ideas? This lack of ability to use a verified mobile # is a deal breaker. And Airbnb is the ONLY site I've ever had a problem with.
Same problem here. Will not accept mine or my wife's AT&T numbers.
Ive tried my number, my husbands number, my land line. nothing will accept errrhhh very frusting
Trying to put in my phone number....won't take it and now I can't respond to a guest's reservation because they are requiring a phone number. Caught in a loop...help.
I have the same problem. So, what phone server and numbers WILL work. Can't even get a list of what will work.
Same problem here - tried 4 times and have to wait 24 hours. Very frustrating - I'm about to give up
on this. Clearly it should be possible to get help?????
But no chance for that - no chat room - no telephonenumner no nothing and soon no business from me:-(
I am having this same issue and they just told me to wait 24 hours. This is silly. I have had this number for probably15 years and received codes from other apps and companies without issue.