Amenities-Pet friendly

Level 1
New Jersey, United States

Amenities-Pet friendly

My listing is mistakely marked as 'pet friendly'. I cannot correct it through my amenities (I do not have an option for pet friendly). How do I get rid off 'pet friendly' on my listing?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Stonington, CT

@Douglas20 If you are trying to correct it on the app, also try it on the computer, or the other way around. It's a stupid app to website glitch. Happened to me too. 

Level 1
El Segundo, CA

Has anyone been able to remove "pet friendly" from their amenity?  I cant seem to figure how - using my computer.

Perhaps it was in the initial setup, however I need to be able to remove it.  But how?

thanks for any input



Level 10
Philadelphia, PA

It is not under amenities. Go to house rules and it is with things like smoking/no smoking, parties-events/no parties-events, etc.