Appeal to Airbnb's final decision

Level 3
Atlanta, GA

Appeal to Airbnb's final decision

We had an ABB guest who is supposed to stay with us for 7 days and wanted to cancel her reservation for the last 3 days after she moved in for four days.  We could not refund her for the remainder 3 days  according to the cancellation policy we published on ABB.  In order to get her refund, the guest made a false claim to ABB saying our internet did not work, and she needed to move out.  ABB refunded her for the 3 days based on what the guest's story.  When we found it out 2 days after, and told ABB that the guest's claim was false, and we have proof for it.  ABB case manager said it was too late, and she already made a final decision to refund the guest based on what the guest said, and we can not change or appeal her decision, and we can not talk to her supervisor either.  She sounded like she has the absolute power to make decisions for me with or without my agreement.  Does anyone know if there is way to appeal for the case manager's wrongful decisions?  

136 Replies 136

Host guarantee is a tragedy, a security blanket at first glance but once you need it, I promise it disappears completely!

Level 1
Los Angeles, CA

I just experienced the same issue. A guest (a new Airbnb user)  cancelled one day into their month stay on a holiday weekend and Airbnb refunded the full amount based on photos that I had no opportunity to see or comment on until after the final decision. I had offered to refund the guest any amount that was booked during their reserved time even though I did not have to based on the cancellation or Guest Refund Policy. I guess that was not sufficient for Airbnb. Additionally, the "case manager" was flippant and bordering on rude.  I hope someone at Airbnb is paying attention to their community boards, because it seems to be a consistent issue. I certainly won't be giving them my business as a guest any longer and am looking for other alternatives as a host.

Serena- I am having a similiarly negative experience with a dismissive case manager.  I have removed my listings and am switching to VRBO, which has a much better reputation.  Despite pretending to be community oriented, Airbnb is showing us where their priority lies.  If it's all about money for them, then perhaps the only way to really advocate for change is to take out revenue-generating rentals and guest days elsewhere.

Level 10
Sheffield, United Kingdom

Always press the record button on your phone when speaking to Airbnb and when you finish the conversation, request an audio copy of the call.  Data Protection allows you access to your data, there is no way round it.

Level 2
Toronto, Canada

I've had 3 incidences (out of 112 bookings) which favoured guests who i) exagerated the context of a situation to Airbnb eventhough several proper options were provided to easily rectify parking issue, ii) had aggressive and demeaning behavour towards me as a host and ii) purposely provided false facts and information to influence the case manager's decision.  All 3 incidences involved guests with 0 reviews versus my credibility as Superhost with 112 reviews and selection to participate in new pilot program which features top homes.  I've appealed with no success or any willingness from Airbnb to call me to further discuss by telephone.  I was told by an Airbnb employee (likely as a slip) that Airbnb avoids trying to penalize new people to Airbnb in the fear of turning them away with a focus on growing the community.  It seems like a form of discrimation based on favourtism to increase "user numbers" versus quality and profit provided by users (in my case I have 2 homes on their platform).  This type of decision making  (with lack of strong host customer service or account manager) is the reason I have absolutely no faith in their ability to provide the "right" support and is influencing my decision to leave the community as a host.  Regardless, out of principle, I do want to advise higher up individuals with a formal complaint but it would seem Airbnb lacks any proper system for formal complaints against the company, likely the result of a purposeful decision.  



Level 1
Quezon City, Philippines

I have a guest today who admitted that he mistakenly booked 2 units. So what he did he sent me a message telling me that he will just cancel his booking with me and will just stay on the other unit because he can already move in at that time. However his cancellation was just a message, he did not hit the cancel button. Though disappointed, I accepted it and moved on. Then later today at around 10pm he sent me a message that he wanted to go on with his booking and would like to move to my unit that very same hour. I guess he didn't like the unit he initially chose. I told him that is no longer possible because its too late already, my staff already went home and admin office is already closed to sign guest clearance. So what he did, he called Airbnb and claimed for full refund as he said I cannot accommodate him that night. The case manager only understood his side and did not consider the guest's message that he already cancelled his booking earlier. No matter how I explained it to the case manager, it seemed she has made a decision already and not open to any reasoning. For them, they do not protect the interest of the property hosts. They are only protecting the interest of the guests who are abusive and illogical. They do not realize that half of what they achieved is because of the property owners who are striving very hard for excellent guest experience. I am mad. Fuming mad.



You have to protect yourself as best you can and never rely on AirBnB to do so, you left yourself open with this: Check-in is anytime after 2PM


Obviously 10pm is after 2pm.


And never ever expect AirBnB to uphold your cancellation clause.


@Grace0, David is correct that unwittingly, you left yourself open.


If the guest had cancelled through the Airbnb website, there would have been evidence the the case manager could easily see that he cancelled.  It is too bad the case manager did not look at the email (I am assuming the guest sent an email through the Airbnb website) but they do not.  Next time, always have guests cancel through the website.  My thing is have everything official and through the website so there will never be any dispute.  


Also, I suggest you have a limit to the check-out time: say 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. (or whenever your staff leaves).


Chalk this one up to a learning experience.  Believe me, I have had many of them.


All the best,  Jessica

Level 10
Como, CO

You can obviously make sure you review her with a big thumbs down.


Do not go overboard, do not giver her a reason to get ABB to take the booking down.


One of the reasons I would never use ABB for long term bookings, too risky.

Level 3
Springfield, OR

I am also dealing with an inappropriate Airbnb claim "resolution." The claim manager mishandled it, refuses to acknowledge her errors and will not provide supervisor contact information. Clearly that's not okay, and not at all in line with the host friendly company they advertise. I reached out on Facebook and got stonewalled further, so I'm glad to have put the issue out there. Now I work through phone calls, BBB reports and other means of resolution. Now that I'm doing some research, I see the Airbnb has a horrible reputation for leaving its host out to dry and refusing to discuss things in a reasonable manner. I guess if people let it happen and keep hosting anyway, it's lucrative for Airbnb to behave this way.



Have you tried Arbitration?



Level 3
Tauranga, New Zealand

Airbnb have the most poorly trained and rude case workers you will ever meet. Can only imagine they are on minimum wage and hate their job so take it out on legitimate customers. I had to cancel a long stay after 10 days when my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer and given a few weeks to live. The host was lovely and helpful but airbnb have been a living nightmare. 4 months on I've still not received my full refund calculated by them. I've made 10s of calls and about 50 detailed messages. They have also under calculated the refund. My credit card was canceled at the time and they claim they can't pay to a new card. However when I phoned another manager said this was not a problem and made some of the refund. The caseworkers don't read notes or try to understand the circumstances, they just bleed off false information. I have requested to escalate my case 30 times and now the caseworkers manager is ignoring my emails. They are completely argumentive and don't answer questions that they don't know or have an argument about. What kind of company would be so heartless to someone grieving. Caseworkers have no compassion whatsoever! For the record the Manager in questions name is Beu and Leonore is the worst person I've ever dealt with, shame on these people. In all honesty the stress has not been worth it, I keep pushing as they are wrong and it should be escalated but I can't get by the casework department so will now be documenting everything that's happened and making it public. 

@Myles0. Post your negative experience, with names, on the Airbnb facebook page. That got me results. I hope it works for you. Jessica

The dismissive and rude case manager in my car was Myka from the Trips dept.  Apparently there is the Trips dept and nontrips dept. 


I will look at their fb page and am going to file a small claims case. I asked to speak to a supervisor but they dismissed me.

Level 10
Elgin, IL

So typical. Usually, when you have a decision to make, you gather information from both sides, and then, you let each of them respond to what's been said. I'm getting the impression that AIRBnB is so big that they just don't care anymore. There's no arbitration, just the decision of some king or queen on their whim. And there's no way to appeal an unfair decision!


The very fact that so many horror stories are being told on this forum, without any concern on the part of the company, it speaks loudly and clearly to me. SMH