Auto Response when host is away?

Level 1
South River, Canada

Auto Response when host is away?

I am new to hosting, but its been going great so far and were getting more bookings than expected.

We are also about to go on vacation and for a big part of our 2 week trip we will be completely off grid with no options (or desire) to connect.


We host on our own, as a couple and do not have anyone at this point in time that we would add as a co-host.


We've blocked out the days that were gone, so Im not worried about that, but I am wondering what people in similar situations do when you are unable to respond to messages. Is there any sort of auto response that can be set up to let people know we are away, but will reply to inquiries shortly?

2 Replies 2

@Mike1224 I use an automated messaging tool that would do exactly what you're looking for.  It can send automated messages to your new bookings/inquiries/etc.  It will even pre-approve inquiries if you want it to.  There are actually a lot of tools out there that will do it and I've tried most.  My favorite is, it's easy to use, inexpensive and I think there is a free trial so you wouldn't need to pay for it.  🙂

Level 10
Peterborough, Canada

@Mike1224What we've done in the past is "snooze" our listing for the period we're away. This makes your listing invisible for that time period, and therefore no new inquiries or requests come in that need to be dealt with. To set this up, go to the bottom of your "Listing details" page, look for "listing status", click edit, click the Change status drop down, then choose snooze. You'll then be able to put in what dates you want to be invisible.


Enjoy your vacay!