Bed Wetting

Level 1
Adelaide, Australia

Bed Wetting

Our recent guest had a family member that has wet the bed, significantly. They must have known about the problem as they put a small piece of plastic under the mattress protector. Unfortunately they left the plastic when they checked out, and piled all the bedding on top. The effect being that a large amount of urine has soaked through all of the bedding and onto the mattress. We will need to throw out the bedding, and possible the mattress if we cant get it cleaned professionally.


Any tips on how to handle this?



5 Replies 5
Level 5
Tasman, New Zealand

Take photos of everything.  Then I'd call Airbnb and tell them the situation and they will guide you with what to do.  You should be able to request payment from the guest to cover new bedding and the mattress cleaned / replaced.

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

But @Sue-and-Graham0, what sort of mattress protector do you have? I see that you allow children and I would never have a child sleep on anything without a waterproof mattress protector. You can certainly add an underlay on top, and that way everything is washable. Though not that many guests wet the bed there are other fluids which will mark mattresses. Coffee in bed, for instance, not just body fluids. As a host it is your responsibility to proof the mattress.


A child who may be dry is more likely to be stressed in unfamiliar environment and may wet bed because of that. An investment of a few dollars (I like the IKEA ones, do not crackle, can't notice them under the underlay) in order to protect the mattress? I am in.

You shouldn't need new bedding for urine, that should wash out. Mattress yes.

Unless it is a foam mattress, for a child it might have been? If so, put it outside and wash, will dry as you are in Adelaide summer!

Thanks for the tip Sandra much appreciated 

Level 2
West Richmond, Australia

I have just had a similar problem with a recent guest.


main difference is this was two adults.


I would always suggest checking the room as soon as possiable after your guests depart.

a giveaway that they have stained your sheets is if they try and half strip the bed.


if you can get some stain remover on the sheets straight away then wash soon after you can get most stains out fairly easily.


as said before always take photos incase you cant get the stains out so you can raise the issue with airbnb support.


as for the mattress I have being lucky enough that no stains so far have gone through to the mattress.

I would definalty recommend investing in quality mattress and pillow protectors.


I have already had wetting of the bed, make up stains and coffee stains.


most guests are clean and respectful, its the few bad eggs that ruin it for everyone else.

It is our resonabilty as host to pre plan and prevent this issues wherever possiable

Level 1
Oregon City, OR

What about a guest with a known bed wetting problem? I found out that one of our upcoming guests has some mental delay and a physical disability that leaves them unable to control their bladder at night. (Person has stayed with another host I know.) In the US, does the ADA protect them such that I have to host them if they request even though I know from others that they wet the bed regularly?