Booking for a friend/relative.

Level 2
Coral Springs, FL

Booking for a friend/relative.

About once a week I have someone who wants to book my room for a friend or relative. I am not comfortable with this and it is against airbnb rules. When I decline their offer, I feel that it is unfair for this to lower my acceptance rate. I wish that there was some kind of filter that stopped them from doing this. 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

@Brandee6 Are these requests to book, or just inquiries? If they are just inquiries, you don't need to accept or decline: you can just send them a message stating that you don't accept third-party bookings, but if their friends want to contact you directly, you will consider their booking request.


If you don't have something in your rules about it already, maybe add it right at the top of your rule section.


You are definitely doing the right thing by not accepting third-party bookings. Airbnb doesn't allow them, and you won't be covered if something bad happens. Stick to your guns!

Level 10
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom


You've been given good advice from @Alexandra316

In one way, you've been lucky in that the person who put in the request/inquiry was upfront about it being for a third party – at least you were forewarned! I've had a couple where I didn't find out until nearer the time... awkward! However, in most cases, I've told the booker that I don't accept third party bookings; they should get their friend/relative to register and book on their own account – and they have done so, and all was fine.

I'm not sure that there could be a filter to stop people doing this, we just have to be on our guard.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You can explain 3rd party bookings are not allowed and include this link:

and if it is a booking request also ask the guest to withdraw the booking request.

(then no need to decline the request) BTW for an inquiry no obligation at all to decline.